Secure Pi MIPI LCD board could Work with Secure Pi——SP2302.
Use a DSI cable to connect the 7-inch DSI LCD to the 15-pin FPC interface on the SP2302 board.
Remark: Please make sure the FPC cables are connected properly.
1. Please make sure your SP2302 board has the latest Ubuntu OS.
For details, please refer to our website for having the latest version OS.
2. Power on SP2302 and login to Ubuntu OS.
3. Download Secure Pi’s GitHub Secure_Pi_LVGL and follow the instructions on the readme to create a LVGL demo.
4. Save the file to your USB drive and plug it on SP2302 drive to operate
5. Mount the USB drive to get the file
Command: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt
P.S. The device number may not be the same as this demo. Please use fdisk -l to check for the correct device name. For this demo, it is “sda1”
6. Run the demo. In this case, it is using music LVGL demo.
a) Run the program.
Command: sudo ./music_demo
Remarks: The name of the demo could be modified after the LVGL is generate. In this demo, it named music_demo.
Since this is a touchable display in LVGL, so it could touch the play button to play the music demo video.